Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Easter Egg Challenge!

OK, so they are being a little bit goofy! After reading an article from Mother Earth Website, I discovered one CAN decorate brown eggs.

Why is this important?

We get our eggs from friends and farmers who's chickens lay BROWN eggs.

These are natural, free range eggs, so much better for you than those factory white eggs.

Last year I caved not wanting to loose the ability to decorate eggs. This year we were taking on the challenge!

After selecting the lightest brown eggs from our latest batch

and hard boiling them, we got to work.
We had to use the vinegar directions on the packet, this got me wondering if next year I should find other means of colors to get away from industrial chemicals. We will see next time!

Since Isabella is my artistic one who gets so involved in her work, she forgets she has dyed her fingers, she gets gloves. If it gets on her fingers, it gets on the house.

Here is the annoying part, the eggs need to sit in the bath for 10 minutes. The kiddos did not find this too bad as they played Wii between batches.

Voila! Easter Eggs!

These were taken right after I took them out of their baths, hence the shiny spots.

Anton Crosses Over!

Karl opens the ceremony which ends our time with the Cubbies!

He strips Anton of his hat, neckerchief, and slide.

A member of his new Boy Scout Troop garnishes him with

a neckerchief, slide, and collar colors as he walks across the ceremonial bridge.

Not only did Anton move up, but Karl also.

Karl will be an Assistant Scout Master for the Boy Scout Troop.

It was quite a group!

All but three followed Anton and Karl over, electing for the geographically closer troop or following into their older brother's troop.

It was a good group of boys, those will be missed.

More Keva Creations

The Master Mind at work!

Just being silly! This one below he entitled Gum Ball Machine!

Got to Love Keva Contraptions

When Anton can not be found, we can usually discover him heavy at work on the laws of physics and engineering. Karl's brother, John, gave these "stick" to Anton for Christmas. They are awesome! He does not even realize how much he is learning!

Karl is quite impressed!