"Marty" Evans, Executive Director of GS of USA between 1998 - 2002, has been quoted as saying, "We're not your mother's Girl Scout Troop." If there is one thing I can agree on, it is her statement. When I was in Girl Scouts it was all about flower arranging, planting trees, learning about famous women, arts and crafts and respect for women of all ages and vocations. Apparently I was in scouts during the beginning of the turning of the tides and while it had not reached me, it had reached those who continued long after I left. I went to high school with Juliet, not her real name, who continued in Girl Scouts reaching the top ranks. She was not in my classes but in my grade. Juliet always seemed in a rush and did her own thing. In the booklet from my 15 year reunion where people submitted bios of their life since graduation, mind you I went to an all girls Catholic School, Juliet commented that she had no desire to be settled down with a man, said some pretty offensive words about children, and listed a short term goal was being one of the first to get their hands on the latest Dungeons and Dragons saga. Why is this sad? I do not think everyone is called to be a wife or mother, but her phrasing revealed a very unhappy person with little respect for life, a major belief in Christianity.
Today's Girl Scouts has evolved, but not in a good way. I do think there is more to life than flowers and crafts. Incorporating out doors and science activities is a good thing. However, I have problems with their progressive and moral relativism agenda as it goes directly against my faith and moral beliefs. I knew there was a problem back in CT when friends of ours started talking about starting an American Heritage Group instead of joining Girl Scouts. I began to do my own research and was overwhelmed by the findings. If Isabella were to join GS, she would first be taught that in some way, I wasted my life being a stay-at-home mother instead of making a name for myself. Why is this bad? It begins to promote the moral relativism idea that it is all about "me". This goes in direct opposition to my faith that teaches me to love my neighbor as myself. This is so deep that I just can not go into too much detail at this time, so I must move on.
One aspect of the "me" movement is not wanting to be burdened by others. This means both marriage and babies. But my faith and my conscience define marriage as between one man and one woman. In 2000, GS had a busy year linking up with Gay and Lesbian Youth Support in Massachusetts to mentor the girls on ways to overcome barriers. That same year, GS was invited to the White House for the viewing of it's film "That's a Family". http://www.honestgirlscouts.com/discover_pp_history.htmlI use to have the exact funding amount from the LGBT for the film, but I can not find it. It promotes the progressive view of types of families from single parents, through homosexual couples. Sorry, but this is an attack on the family. As for the abortion issue and the links to Planned Parenthood, they are numerous. It use to be hush hush, but now it is very much known if not bragged about. In many districts girls have to attend a sexual health class at PP in order to receive a health badge. Many board members and Woman of the Year awards are given to directors of Planned Parenthood or they are asked to be guest speakers at conventions.http://www.lifenews.com/2011/10/28/girl-scouts-convention-features-pro-abortion-speakers/.
Then it comes to it's progressive agenda. This has recently come in many forms from telling girls in their handbooks to question their faith and moral beliefs with what they are discovering about the world, to promoting progressive/marxist role models. Just a few months ago, GS decided that transgender boys could join Girl Scouts. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/transgender-boy-attempt-join-girl-scouts-initially-rejected-boy-parts-article-1.968179 In the new "Journeys" Curriculum, in the Grade 4-5 book, "aMuse", GS states on their site, "Juniors gain an understanding of just how limitless their potential can be as they combine storytelling with the many roles--real and creative--that the world has to offer. Girls will have fun trying on roles and learning about people and the power of real-life action and leadership." Well, how do they do this, I mean showing girls how to write short plays. Well, by example, one of the role models listed on pg 50 - 51 is playwright Josephina Lopez who wrote Simply Maria, a slap in the face to Catholic Women. The play infers the misguided belief that the church condones treating women as puppy mills. http://www.girlscoutswhynot.com/GS%20Resources.html Knowing that Theology is not what I post, I will state the Catholic Church with two Papal writings in the last 40 years specifically talks about the importance and dignity of women. http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/apost_letters/documents/hf_jp-ii_apl_15081988_mulieris-dignitatem_en.html. Now we come to today's headlines focusing on the book MEdia, GS has this write up about their book, "Cadettes put the "me" in MEdia as this journey encourages them to explore the great big multi-media world around them and then remake media to better match the reality they know. Along the way, Cadettes become aware of the value of media, its limitations and effect and the power they have to lead and inspire others." It later cites the following websites,
I copied this picture of sites from www.honestgirlscouts.com; this is their work, I just want to point you to their work. It is a group of former and current GS leaders who are troubled by the changes that are happening to the GS program.
Well, I have a problem with most of those websites listed. I would not consider them fair and balanced.
Many people say, "Well that is not what my troop does?" They might be right, but if you go to site I just listed, it will show you that the majority of every box of cookies and dues goes into the national organization and then filtered to the International group. The National and International levels are the ones paying guest speakers to speak at the annual conventions, the pinnacle place for the girls to attend each year. This year's list includes three prominent Planned Parenthood advocates, Annise Parker, Swanee Hunt, and Sylvia Garcia. To round it out they also have a Taoist and a member from the UN Population Fund, http://speaknowgirlscouts.com/index.php?p=1_21_2011-GSUSA-Convention.
So what to do? There are alternatives, American Heritage Girls is the new partner with the Boy Scouts of America. The Boy Scouts dropped Girl Scouts a few years ago and decided to go with the more conservative group that mirrored their organization a bit better. Check out this link to understand more about them; http://www.girlscoutswhynot.com/Comparison%20Chart.pdf, or their home page; http://www.ahgonline.org/
Please find peace with your choice, it is your choice, just as our choice is ours.