We had to break from our Lenten Friday activities in order to prep and begin the next project! The fence posts arrived earlier in the week, and Karl left work a little earlier than usual. The children and I moved the posts to desired locations either by mind or muscle. Being round posts, it was easier to roll the heavy thick corner posts to their spot than carry them. Anxious to get a jump on the next days activities, Karl assembled the auger and the first hole was dug.

We got two posts concreted into the ground
before the light and misty rain told us to call it a day.
But not before Anton could to get a shot of his strength.

The next day we were able to get 38 eight foot posts in the ground.
We celebrated our accomplishment, and to ease our muscles,
with a grand steak dinner on Sunday.
Next is the braces, fence, and gates!
Hopefully, we will get it accomplished before the trees arrive,
or the deer will feast.