Yesterday I had the kiddos Home School Review! I had been stressing about this for a couple of weeks. Logically I knew this was ridiculous because the kiddos are doing great, are above or on target depending on the subject with their peers, and have huge lists of books we have read.
But still, I get anxious for the the review and then feel idiotic for the extra exerted energy afterwards! Oh, we passed with flying colors! When I asked what I needed to change for my upcoming middle schooler, I was given a "You are crazy" look and told, "Nothing!"
But being the driven person I am, I will probably pick up Spanish. I was told by another military home school mom that the military will give us Rosetta Stone for free! Karl's brother Mark, who is fluent in Spanish, told us he thinks the program is great. We had been trying to justify the $400 price for awhile, but if I can get it free through the military, why not!
Oh, we are not finished for the school year just yet, but I do have the weight lifted from my shoulders. The traditional school kids are not out till mid June, so we will probably go until around then. We will be taking off July and the at least the first half of August due to summer plans! Between just needing a break, gardening, canning (prime salsa and tomato sauce time), camps, VBS, visits with relatives and a vacation from the home, we just can not devote the time to schooling for those six weeks! However, my book worms will still be found resting in the living room at the most scorching times of the day!