Sunday, September 26, 2010

My Dorks!

I say this with much affection, but my children (and hubby) are dorks! When Karl and I were dating I would refer to him as "My Dork!" With all the brain functioning going on around this house, you would think Karl and I only know how to breed brainiacs.

OK, so maybe I am being a bit prideful here! My children are just weird compared to some children their own age.

This past week, I borrowed some short educational videos from our library system. I was intending the videos to be something to keep my children from making their 30 minute lunch into an hour and a half ordeal. This is usually done by giving them something to listen to or watch so they are busy putting their food in their mouths and not philosophizing about whether or not the latest read, joke or outing was good or not. The videos are about some topic we are studying from either science, history or art. One day the video was an overview of the formation of Chemistry (on a 5th grader level). After I finished my lunch I sneaked off to check email and make phone calls. The children have recess time outside when lunch is over, so this gives me some time to make these calls. While on the phone with a friend, I went back into the kitchen to retrieve my calender to see Anton quickly mopping up milk from the table. When I asked what happened. He sheepishly exclaimed while he was pouring his milk he was so interested in the creation of the periodic table, he forgot he was pouring his milk and it over flowed. I chuckled and shook my head thinking "my dorks!"

A few days later I was putting in a video on Animal Behavior, we were studying instinct or learned actions. Anton looked at me and said, "Oh Mommy, that looks like it could be another one I might forget I am pouring my milk." Whiling giggling, I replied, "Then I had better pour it for you."

Oh how they make me laugh!