Isabella has begun her new season of Shubert Singers. This year they are toying with the idea of having the performance attire sewn. This group has been around for 10-12 years and through the years, the company where they have been purchasing their dresses has slightly changed it over the years. It has created a similar but different ensemble of dresses. IT is starting to look un-uniformed. The idea was put forth to have new dresses made from a pattern with a standard color material. I have had several meeting and emails with the instructors to offer my insight to their predicament. As it stands, they want 27 dresses made from a Vogue pattern. I tearfully told them, without some form of compensation, I just could not take on this kind of project. While I want to support the group, each of these dresses will take me roughly 10 hours to make due to the difficulty of Vogue and the detail needed. The ladies are also trying to get some corporate sponsors to help with the capital needed to get their wishes off the ground. We will see, but I had to tell them I could not do it for free.
I just registered Anton for the next season of soccer. It will begin towards the end of next month.
Both children are continuing their piano. They have had to up their game and are now beginning some more difficult but interesting pieces. Isabella has her nose in a piano book from Phantom Of the Opera. Anton has a much harder book with Lord Of the Rings. It is really challenging his abilities and he must also have patience as he works bar by bar on his pieces.
Schooling wise - we are wrapping up the Civil War studies with a couple more weeks focus on the Reconstruction Period. After that, I will decide to either continue with the Industrial Revolution or do a unit study on Native Americans. I had skipped it when it came up in our course of study feeling as if we had covered them enough since it is difficult to not have some cross over when studying Lewis and Clark, the Pony Express, Pioneers, and The Western Expansion (including a specific study on the Oregon Trail). On the Literature side, we are currently working through Little Women in order to have a comparison of young ladies' views of the war verses young men from reading Across Five Aprils which we finished last week. Last month we were working through Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn to help the understanding of life on the river and slavery from a teen's perspective. For entertainment reading, we have been going through Christpher Paolini's Inheritance Series. Now the children are chomping at the bit for the fourth book which has yet to be released. It should be out before the end of the year. In geography, we are more than 3/4 the way through our study of each of the states. Our science program is almost complete, maybe one more month, so I will need to decide what to do to fill in the rest of the school year. In health, the children are working on their Presidential Physical Fitness Challenge. They are training for their 7 or 10 minute mile they need to be able to run. We have also begun the uncomfortable study of PUBERTY. As much as we want them to remain little and innocent, their bodies are disagreeing! In math, Anton will begin the next book in the series next week, and Isabella will go up the following week. Spelling still seems to be a thorn in their sides. I am being tempted to try a different program for next year, wondering if it is the program or the understanding that they can not be good at everything. On the self efficient studies, something I have noticed many kids are lacking and feel I must help my own children, we are working on cooking skills. My goal is to have them able to plan, purchase, and cook a well balanced meal. They must include the food groups and be able to cook it. Isabella is soaring through this task as she has been part of the cooking club I have been coordinating for the past two years. Anton is actually more interested in making things for dinner or lunch like meatballs.
On the farm - the fort is in the final stages but since it is still winter, things move slow. We have lost three more pine trees to Fire Blight. I have begun the awful task of spraying the remaining trees with fungicide to try to save them. Unfortunately after last years' drought, many of the trees have been tried before they are well established. With the discovery of what has caused the problem, Karl and I are now on the same page of understanding to the care needed for baby trees. It seems they need babying for at least five years to become thoroughly established. SO, we will be spending much time replanting and babying them in the following months. We need these trees to grow as the winter winds are so strong and wind breaks are a must. Every time the house rattles from these winds, we look at each other and say "Grow Trees Grow!" Karl and I are entertaining ideas of chicken coop designs and garden shed dimensions. We have not committed to anything yet, just looking and drawing. Seeds for spring veggies and flowers have been sown in trays to get a start on the upcoming vegetable garden. I am trying to grow broccoli for the first time this year. I am also going to try to get a good showing in peas and spinach before the spring turns into summer and neither crop likes to grow in the heat.
On the other house - we have several strong leads as of late. Now that we have been accepted into a relocation program to help us sell the house, we hope this will be the last year to have it hanging over our heads. This burden seems to zap our reserves of strength to fight the stress of owning two homes. Please continue to pray for this burden to be lifted!
On Simplifying - I have been making good progress in the basement (storage, play space, and crafts) and clothing areas. One of the simplest but most edifying things has been taking all of Isabella's to be grown into and summer clothing from her drawers and put into a tub till the time is right. It has reduced her clothing clutter to the point that her drawers are neater and picking the clothing of the day much quicker. I had not realized how stuffed her drawers had become as we have been receiving bags of "hand me downs" over that past few months.
Thoughts I am pondering: At one of my favorite blogs, the author has noted "the bible does not command us to hurry up but to stay awake!" How often do I hurry to get things done and become blind or asleep to the things around me? Yesterday I saw the first bunny of the season and heard the honking of the geese looking for their mates. As the world around me thaws from winter's rest, what other signs of new life are waking up around me? The arrival of spring is such an invigorating force.