As you can probably guess, things have been very busy around here. I apologise to everyone if they have found me a bit scattered brained for the past couple weeks. First it was getting the call from our Social Worker and having to wait for Karl to return from Boy Scout camp with Anton. Then it was the "Are these the right ones for our family?" debate. Well, that debate didn't take too long, a couple days, but a heart wrenching couple of days. We talked with our priest who was very encouraging who quickly went over to Anton to tell him being the brother of three sisters is not all that bad (he is the only boy with three sisters). Anton and Isabella had decided long before Karl and I made the call to our Social Worker to say yes. Then came the flood of "Oh MY! We've got a lot to do!" and followed by "We were not expecting this at this moment!"
For the past five days, I have been busy working on fundraising efforts. One of my adoptive mom friends just keeps saying, "God wants you to have these girls because it is just happening so fast. It will all come together." So, yes God will provide, but I have to set it up for it to happen. Karl and I have been working on applications for grants and adoption loans. I also set up the Amazon button. Thank you to all who have made purchases already and due to the traffic through the button, Amazon is awarding me another percentage point!
Today I have opened another avenue for funds through Ordinary Hero. This was a place recommended (and reminded of a few days later, Thank you Kristen!) to set up an account. This web store's purpose is to provide funds for adoptions and mission trips. It is heavily weighted for Ethiopia, because they sponsor mission trips there. There is a nice video from a teen age girl who went on a trip last year. I have my eye on a few things and one is this picture frame.
![]() It reads "For this child I prayed...And the Lord granted me that which I asked of Him." 1Samuel 1:27
I love this frame! It has so much meaning for me and all my children. As most of you know it took us some time before we had Anton, so it doesn't just fit people adopting. If you like it, you can get it at their store and some other things like t-shirts. They have a couple of mottoes, "Ordinary Hero", "I'm Gonna Change The World", and mom shirts that read "Change the World for One Ordinary Hero". If you go to their website and order anything, when you go to check out, you will have an option of picking an "affiliate". Use the drop down bar and click on Karl's name (with last name too! but I will not list that on the blog as I have people reading this from Japan - OK they were reading about the pine wood derby cars.) If you do this, Ordinary Hero will send 40% of the total purchases to our adoption agency to cover pending costs! |