Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Historical Colonial Farm, part 3 - Butter and Biscuits!

And what do you do with all the animal products you get on the farm? By a nice fire, the children made butter and biscuits. The butter was simple cream and a pinch of salt in the churn. It typically takes one hour to make butter according to the team on hand. We actually came back later to see the finished product, which was not as solid but more creamed butter due to the inconsistent rhythm applied to the churn. Isabella kept checking to see, and it did have a sticking feeling, but it was not complete.

What do you put the butter on? Why biscuits of course! The dough consisted of wheat flour, egg, lard (from the pig), and a little water.

Isabella was very intent on making her biscuit.

Once enough had been collected, they were placed inside a dutch oven. The cover was placed on top with hot embers over it. I do not know how long it takes to make biscuits this way, but it is not like popping open a can of pre-made dough circles and placing them in an oven. The children did note the time and energy used in making a basic food.