She was getting quite flustered with the turkeys, especially the tom, who kept getting in her way as she was trying to chop. Wither in character or in true form, she started threatening the birds with talk of dinner plans if they did not remove themselves from her work space. It can be noted here when I over heard another family ask about slaves to the women in the kitchen, the "negro" women (their wording, accurate for he time) were treated more like family members as they would have grown up from childhood with their own children. The lack of freedom was not being able to choose to leave, but they were mostly constant companions who helped to carry the work load.
Both children wanted a go at chopping wood. The long blade was hammered down with a thick branch into the split wood to create the right sized pieces.

We also checked into the kitchen nearby to see what was being done this particular day. It was the drying kitchen with apples, beans, pumpkins, etc. strung up on strings near the fire to dry.
Isabella and Anton both strung a few pieces of apples then let the other children have their turn.
I wonder if this is where the stringing of cranberries for Christmas originated?
I began to think a few hours of stringing cranberries by a fireplace sounded peaceful and relaxing. Was I becoming part of the landscape or just caught up in the moment? The children actually enjoyed this activity but not as much as the planting. It is interesting to note how some work can be made enjoyable, especially when the children see the purpose behind the job.