In February, I co-taught the "Middlers" with Chris. We focused on the theme of love, being the day before St. Valentines Day. Chris began with teaching about Jesus' immense amount of love for each of us.
Then I had the children put on a play for the rest of the children and adults on Valentine's life. Valentine was a martyred priest in the time of Emperor Claudius II who thought single men made better soldiers. Claudius forbade marriage. Valentine did not follow this law and married people anyway. Claudius put Valentine in jail but like to hear him talk about the power of love. Valentine then tried to convert Claudius which caused Clausius to order the removal of Valentine's head. The children did a great job and learned a lot.
Shortly after the skit, the children and I had to run off to the airport as Karl was returning from a three week trip. Thank you Navy for my Valentine Gift!