On Wednesday, one of our close friends
came over with her crew for snow fun. As I have stated before, we have a great hill for
sledding, and this was going to be the last day for awhile with snow. The
forecast for the next few days was 60's and 70's, but for this day, we were holding at 32.

Anton and Matthew going down hill.

Megan, Isabella, and Mary Claire's turn.

Now, back up for round two!

After a few hours, the group turned to snowball fights and snow people construction.
Our creation turned into something similar to Pooh and piglet.
Soon, we decided to go in for lunch and out of wet clothes.

For the next several hours, Katie decided it is her duty to rid us of anything unusual in the yard. She barked ferociously at the snow pooh for about 10 minutes and then off and on until the sun had
completely melted our creation.