Actually, right now,
They are pretty to look at as long as they stay away from my fruit trees!!!
So for all the friends who have sent me pictures of their baby raccoons or mice, here is my unnatural run in with nature!
I called Donna and asked if her son, 14, could come over when he returned from school to help me out with an animal problem. Doug scooped up the turtle with a big shovel and dumped it into a big cardboard box. Later I asked Tim what his son did with the turtle. Doug had let it go about a mile from our house near a creek inlet way behind his house, but a half hour later, Tim saw the snapping turtle walking, pretty fast for a turtle, across his yard towards the swamp. So, we might have another run in with this turtle at another date.Isabella has spent the majority of the season fighting how she knows the game is suppose to be played, and playing how this age group plays. She wants to play defense, but we managed to get her moving by the last few games.
Even to the point of being forward and scoring! I am not trying to put more glory on being forward, enough parents do that,
I just wanted her to play all the positions so she could see she can!
It was a lovely day, even if it was terribly hot.
As soon as he left the field, he was trying to hydrate as quickly as possible.
It was a good season but now Anton moves up. In many ways I am feeling very positive about this. Anton joined a team in which over half of the boys had been playing soccer with this coach for several years. The coach knew these boys strengths and weaknesses.
Anton being a more resevered boy, did not try to draw a lot of attention to himself,
at least not in the ways of the other boys.
The coach did not know until the last month how agile Anton can be with his dribbling and shielding. Anton's confidence is in his defending, the position he has played for three years, he does not trust himself in the game to move to other positions. This coach really had his hands full with the behavior of some of the boys which made skill learning difficult. With moving up into the higher age bracket, Anton will see a new coach who has no preconceived expectations.
The new coach should be less accommodating to behavior issues
as older boys would be expected to be there to practice or leave.
This Mother's Day, I was blessed to have my mother here with me. She stayed on after the First Communion in order for me to rest and get better. The children, actually Isabella, had been planning their Mother's Day Morning for nearly a month. Isabella declared Daddy, Anton, Amy (my younger sister) and herself would make breakfast in bed for me and my mother. After a rummaging around, the children tickled with delight, brought in a tray with almond waffles with strawberries on top, scrambled eggs and orange juice. They told me latter that Daddy carried the try up the stairs because they were afraid of spilling it. I have to say, I was a bit lonely all alone in my room. My mother had gotten downstairs to enjoy her breakfast with everyone else.
Then my sister and Dad left to return home. Karl got the children ready and off they went to the Natural History Museum in DC for the Day. I was given specific orders to rest. I spend the majority of the day on the couch reading and talking with my mother. It was a Mother's Day like I never had before.
Oh, I feel I need to let everyone know who feels the need to pre-arrange marriages with their son and Isabella, Matthew's mom has joined the list. However, Matthew is also Anton's best friend and Matthew's sister, Mary Claire, is Isabella's best friend. Mary Claire was not at the ceremony because of soccer but comes to the party. Yes, Laura and I joke about it, but it would be a nice match. Alas, Isabella is also thinking about becoming a missionary sister in order to "take care of all of Jesus' lost children". These are her words not mine.
Her day was filled with pictures and well wishes.
My sister, Amy, who is Isabella's Godmother, came in along with my parents. They had spend the days before touring the Capitol and the Shrine.
Finally we got to the church without ruining the dress!
Soon it was time to meet up with her friends and line up for the procession.