Monday, June 8, 2009

Isabella's First Communion - Part 3

My friend, Laura, made Isabella's cake. She called asking me what she could do and I replied, the cake. I was going to break down and buy one since energy and time were not in my favor. I am glad Laura made her cake, it was not only beautiful but full of love. She made it just as Isabella asked, 1/2 chocolate and 1/2 white with flowers.

After a light lunch of ham, potato salad, fruits, veggie tray, and chips, we let her open her gifts.

Then the children played. Here Isabella and Mary Claire are driving off in the gator.
When will they realize they are getting too big for the toy version?

The moment of truth came the next time we attended mass. Isabella out of habit stood and crossed her arms. Then her eyes got all aglow and she moved her arms into her "prayer hands" with a bright smile across her face.