Monday, June 8, 2009

The Joys of Motherhood

This Mother's Day, I was blessed to have my mother here with me. She stayed on after the First Communion in order for me to rest and get better. The children, actually Isabella, had been planning their Mother's Day Morning for nearly a month. Isabella declared Daddy, Anton, Amy (my younger sister) and herself would make breakfast in bed for me and my mother. After a rummaging around, the children tickled with delight, brought in a tray with almond waffles with strawberries on top, scrambled eggs and orange juice. They told me latter that Daddy carried the try up the stairs because they were afraid of spilling it. I have to say, I was a bit lonely all alone in my room. My mother had gotten downstairs to enjoy her breakfast with everyone else.

Then my sister and Dad left to return home. Karl got the children ready and off they went to the Natural History Museum in DC for the Day. I was given specific orders to rest. I spend the majority of the day on the couch reading and talking with my mother. It was a Mother's Day like I never had before.