On Friday, the parents were able to come to see silly songs and skits they had worked on during the week.
Isabella's den was in the beginning. They had a cute skit about throwing Pebbles in the Lake with the youngest girl being soaked at the end, she was Pebbles.
Karl's Den arrives late, all Webelos were late as they have a good 15-20 minute hike from "Webelo Land". Karl could be heard from a distance as he led the boys in cadences while they marched into the Camp Fire/Flag Pole area. Soon it was their turn. The boys did a crazy skit called "Ready, Set, Dance" and another called "The Gathering of Nuts".
Laura leaned over and ask me what was the skit suppose to be about it because she did not get the punch line. I shrugged my shoulders with the reply, "Beats me! I am not sure all of them have a point, but the boys think they are hysterical!" So what did I do with my free time, I painted the entry from the garage, caught up on the produce from Chester across my counters, and baked enough muffins and breads to last the next three months! Some people would not find this a lot of fun, but I love to bake and it feels good to know the freezer is stocked with good, from scratch offerings.
This picture is actually from the following week, as I was just learning how to use my new pressure cooker to can green beans! I did not have time to get to them all, so it spilled over into the next week. We all had a good week! The children got special time with Karl and lots of activities, Karl got to be on the other side of Scout Camp and receive Millions in extra funding for his International Rescue Sub from the Defense's miscellaneous funds, and I got to catch up on a few things and sit down to a good Jane movie. So, when is Scout Camp next year???