Isabella and Josie are having an intense conversation for 6-7 years old girls.
I wonder what it was about?
I went in search of Anton who quickly joined up with the boys on an exploring adventure totally concocted in their imagination.
This park presented a perfect back drop for their search of magical creatures they must fight against to protect their home. Since Anton has been reading the Redwall books lately, it did not take any time to help the story along.

The girls were a little more reserved about getting in the stream. After their playing on the swings, the moms said they could get into the stream after they ate their lunch. Corralling the boys for lunch was more difficult. The boys inhaled as little as possible in order to appease the mother's and get back the the quest.

The girls went into the stream in search of nature. After about twenty minutes, Isabella came running up to where the moms were eating asking for a container to catch crayfish. As I retold the story to Karl, I smirked at him over his princess wading into the stream, turning over rocks searching for crawdads. She was actually pleading with me to find someone to help her catch one. The children decided "Daddy would definitely love this park!"