The big activity, and what kept me busy the night before while the men where building castles, was the shields. Every good knight needs a shield! This took some children a few minutes and others were very detailed in the choices.

Once the design was complete, they had to see either Donna or I to assemble the handle.
The hot glue worked for a while. It really depended on how rough the sword fighting became. I made a good call on the inflatable swords, no injuries, except for re-gluing handles for a few.
Who says only the men can wield a sword.
These princesses certainly seem confident in their abilities to defend their castles!
Isabella made the crowns one day while Karl and I were busy with other plans. She is becoming quite imaginative. When she has an idea, it is hard to dissuade her from the project. I have reached the point where my input in her work is merely a suggestion.
Oh how quickly they grow and become so independent!
This activity was one of my best and one the boys really enjoyed!