On Sunday, we decided to enjoy our efforts of the day before. With the help of a little lighter fluid and some wind from mother nature, we had a good burn pile going. Karl and I manned a shovel and broom with a couple buckets of water should things get a little scary. We only had a few places to pat out and they were not that bad. Once everything was dying down, I looked at Karl and said with a smile, "no point in wasting a good fire!" So off to the house I went to retrieve the marshmallows and Graham crackers.

The children still need to learn the best way to roast, not burn or drop, a marshmallow. Somethings just come with experience. Karl tried to give a few pointers while I took a moment to relax a little.

However, it really just comes down to eating them anyway!
What a nice way to spend a Sunday afternoon and we only had to go in the back yard.