This was taken from the office window. I emailed Karl a note to let him know it was a good thing we had not put the grass seed down, yet, or it would have all been gone! I also knew this meant I needed to get some hay bales to throw over the seed when I put it down.
As you can see, there is a defining line between our yard and the neighbor's. Apparently our builder put an annual grass seed down. Due to the hard frost a few nights ago, it has all died. Had we known about the grass before now, we would have taken more steps to reduce it's damaging effects before winter. After spending some time with friends and bats, the children and I raked, laid seed and hay before dark. Not a small task for about 3/4 of an acre surrounding the house.
When Karl returned home from work, I asked him to order and pick up our pizza as the children had earned it for their hard work. I also had not been able to make dinner because of the rush to seed. The next day we were expecting a soft drizzle for the whole day, perfect for grass seed. The pizza is Papa Johns, Anton has discovered the secret of the garlic butter dipping sauce for the crust. Unfortunately, Papa Johns does not yet deliver to our more rural location, only Dominoes delivers to us. A small price to pay for far superior pizza.