Monday, September 22, 2008
Navy Football!
When it comes to Navy, it is not really about the game. Don't tell the academy who rakes in a huge amount of money with tickets, gear, food, etc. but it is about being Navy. The game is more like an excuse to meet up with people and have a good time. More people spend the game out in the tailgate parties or if you are in the 18-24 age range, you might be checking out the Mids as the group of 15 girls who sat to the side of us were doing.
We went into the game for the first half so the kiddos could see the excitement and for Karl to spot more of his classmates. Isabella was taking full advantage of the face painting and getting into the spirit. Anton really wanted to have an anchor down the middle of his face with the side being alternating stripes of blue and gold. However, the artist ran out of time and the only option was a quick "N". He chose nothing but wants me to buy some face paint for him next time.

Even though the opposing team was making fun of the Midshipmen for marching in to the field and lining up, it did not stop the them from watching them. I stumbled upon an article saying more and more youth are becoming disenchanted with the service academies and choosing to go with the less regimented lifestyle. How true and sad this has become in our world today. Many people do not want to be told what they can and can not do or when they can or can not do something. But, I should get back to the fun before I go off on a tangent!
Just like the old times! Whenever Navy scores, the plebes run to the field for push-ups! This was the field goal in the first quarter.

Isabella asked if she could be a "Midship-woman" next year so she can take care of Bill. I told her she has 12 years to think about it. Her only down fall would be not being able to be a vet since veterinary med is only in the Army. The ones on Navy Bases are Army on a cross over tour. I don't know if her daddy could handle his little princess being an Army girl.
At half time, we ventured back to the Class of 93 tent for food and refreshments with the intent of returning back to the game. This did not happen as we all became highly distracted with all the fun at the tent.
We went into the game for the first half so the kiddos could see the excitement and for Karl to spot more of his classmates. Isabella was taking full advantage of the face painting and getting into the spirit. Anton really wanted to have an anchor down the middle of his face with the side being alternating stripes of blue and gold. However, the artist ran out of time and the only option was a quick "N". He chose nothing but wants me to buy some face paint for him next time.
Even though the opposing team was making fun of the Midshipmen for marching in to the field and lining up, it did not stop the them from watching them. I stumbled upon an article saying more and more youth are becoming disenchanted with the service academies and choosing to go with the less regimented lifestyle. How true and sad this has become in our world today. Many people do not want to be told what they can and can not do or when they can or can not do something. But, I should get back to the fun before I go off on a tangent!
Just like the old times! Whenever Navy scores, the plebes run to the field for push-ups! This was the field goal in the first quarter.
The game had some exciting moments but Isabella was more interested in seeing the real Bill the goat and not the Midi dressed up as Bill. Karl even tried to walk them to the railing to get a better view but this is all we got!
Isabella asked if she could be a "Midship-woman" next year so she can take care of Bill. I told her she has 12 years to think about it. Her only down fall would be not being able to be a vet since veterinary med is only in the Army. The ones on Navy Bases are Army on a cross over tour. I don't know if her daddy could handle his little princess being an Army girl.
At half time, we ventured back to the Class of 93 tent for food and refreshments with the intent of returning back to the game. This did not happen as we all became highly distracted with all the fun at the tent.
Formation, Parade......and Cindy McCain?
On Friday, we took a little historical trip to the Naval Academy. It was a very busy weekend with 4 class reunions (Karl's Class of 93, Class of 53, Class of 58, and Class 78) and two Midshipmen Parent's weekend (First and Second Class). Anton was enthralled with the cannons, statuary, and Karl's comments of secret passageways and classrooms. Isabella was in awe at seeing "girls" in uniform. Since Karl was in submarine, she has not been exposed to many females in uniform. Isabella was also interested in the exchange students with different uniforms. The middies were impressive as usual with their formations and marching. And when the 4,000 middies disappeared to the galley, we too had to find something to eat. As we worked our way out to the side gate we tried to avoid the quickly filling snack and sandwich places on the grounds. I was walking a little ahead of Karl, so he asked me to spot a place to eat that seemed not as crowded as we went to the main strip outside the grounds. I spotted a small pub with an empty table serving burgers, crab, etc. Looked like a winner for a quick bite. Anton literally inhaled his burger exclaiming it was better than Burger King. At about a 1/2 inch thick, I would say it was better than Burger King.
After having our tummies filled, we headed back to the Academy to load up on our Navy paraphernalia at the Mid-Store. For those who have not been to the Mid Store in awhile, it looks like an Exchange except broken into many rooms. It has changed dramatically since our last visit 10 years ago. The place was packed with alumni, Midi-parents, and few Mids here and there. Everyone was able to pick something out so we could be ready for the tailgater the next day. Isabella had her heart set on a new dress like the one she outgrew two years ago, but there were none in sight. I told her I would convert a ladies t-shirt into a little dress sometime later. We grabbed one she liked and was amazed to find a size Large t-shirt not swallowing her up. The neck was a little bit wide but the rest looked like a long A-line tunic, not what we had expected. While standing in line, we saw Cindy McCain purchasing some items.
I feel the need to comment on this as I was so struck by the moment. Here was Cindy McCain in the Mid-Store. Why was she there? She was wearing a low profile khaki blazer with a smart looking rhinestone USNA pin. She displayed no propaganda, made no speeches, and had no secret service with her. She was there to be .....MOM! The McCains have a son who is a First Class Midshipman. She was there to give him his time and not use the time to promote her husband. Everyone seemed to understand and let her be mom and not a presidential candidate's wife. Since everyone coming on the grounds had to pass through security, Mrs. McCain did not need the secret service. Most people recognized she was there for her son just as they were there for their child or spouse. Senator McCain was not on the grounds on Friday even though it was also his 50 year reunion as well. Many people were buzzing about wither or not he would make an appearance over the course of the weekend. After her purchase, Cindy, daughter, and her Midi son left the store just as everyone else.
After the Mid-Store we strolled over to the parade field to find our section in the bleachers. The children and I heard several class members say, "Oh, it is so nice to see the parade from this side of the action. Those uniforms are awful because they choke you and get too tight......."
Just as in formation, the marching was very impressive. Apparently the bagpipes were a new addition from the last couple of years. I love the sound of bagpipes. After the parade we worked our way back to our car to go home to rest up for the next day's events.
Karl and I chose not to attend the evening cocktail party because of our two and the inconvenience of getting a sitter. There is always the next reunion when both children will be old enough to not have a sitter. Wow, how fast they grow!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Squirrels Beware!!
Blossom has developed into quite the tracker and will sniff out anything. She is constantly following something when we go for early or late short walks. This morning it was no exception. There was a thick fog hovering over the back acres and the soy crops that surround the homestead. We set out as usual after their deposits were made for a little stretching before their morning meal. I was noticing how quiet, other than the faint hoot of an owl, and peaceful it was outside. Then I noticed Blossom starting to weave in circles with her nose to the ground and Katie realizing she must be missing something decided to followed suit. We got to our turning point and I quietly called them to sit. All of a sudden there was a great commotion it the soy not 15 feet to my left! The noise startled me and I bolted with the puppies towards the house. Then I realized what it was, deer! I could not see them for the fog but I heard them as deer have a different sound as they race away from you than other possible animals. We would have smelled the skunks once we got outside, and the raccoons, fox, or coyotes do not make the same sort of hustling, bounding noise. When I relayed the incident to Karl, he asked "What was Blossom's response?" Blossom was ready to go. She immediately started towards the hurried departure but then got caught up in the joy of running where she raced past me into the garage towards her breakfast waiting inside the house.
So, we have one hunter Golden and one party girl Golden. Both are very Golden behaviors but on the opposite sides of the spectrum. People have commented on how strange they find this when both pups came from the same litter. I look at them equally confused because I am nothing like my sisters and we came from the same parents. I guess people think animals should be carbon copies of each other but they are not if produced the natural way.
Friday, September 19, 2008
My Soccer All-Star!
In our culture today, we often wonder if people have their priorities in the proper places. We wonder at what point in people's lives did they develop these current attitudes. At Anton's first soccer game we got a glimpse. I was privy to a conversation between two fathers over the current price for scored goals or if goalie, blocked goals. They decided $5 for each would be sufficient and mocked other parents who were not using this motivational tool to help their son perform better. While I sat there aghast at paying children for playing, this is the Under 9 year Old league, my heart sank as I saw the goals of making money over the joy of the game.
But all is not lost. Anton happily trotted over to get a drink of water before the game saying,
"I hope the coach lets me play defender! It is my best position and where I can help my team the most!"
Karl and I responded in a more audible tone than usual, "We do too! Good job Anton thinking of your team and how to best help them! There is no I in team! We are so proud of you already!"
After which he ran onto the field and proceeded to help his team by blocking nearly every ball he came near. They won the game 2-1. My little man is a hustler and most of the time heavily focused on the game. He says he is the body guard for the goalie. I am so proud of him not wanting to be the glory child to score all the time and also recognizing where his strengths are. Not everyone can play every part and it takes many strengths to make a great TEAM!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
The Farm Girl Workout Plan
I am currently working out a marketing plan for "newest and greatest, guaranteed to make you slim and tone work out plan"! The Farm Girl plan is time tested and fool proof but can be expensive as some basic equipment must be purchased or in place to work correctly.
First purchase a large piece of multi-level land of approximately 5.25 acres and create a vision of how the landscape should look. Next create an unrealistic time frame to complete all projects due to money, resources, and available labor hours. This step is highly important as it severs to motivate the individual when they really just want to curl up with a good book or take a nap.
Step three begins with implementation of the landscape plan. This includes cutting the grass, err weeds, with a gasoline powered standard mower not a riding mower. To get the maximum benefit of the exercise routine, choose times when the humidity is very high or during the hottest part of the day. Mower should be full of gasoline and ready to begin. Strive to cut as much vegetation as possible until the gasoline runs out of the mower, it starts to rain, or the individual passes out from heat exhaustion. This should run for about 1 1/2 to 2 hours while also gaining the bonuses of a manicured area and a very stylish farmer tan for the rural area. Do not fear of running out of available mow space, nature allows this to be repeated every week or two if you do manage to get through all available space. Other options for equipment use are weed trimmers, alas I burned the motor out on mine, which brings up a third option for the landscape implementation, a small tiller. To gain the maximum benefit of this machine, make sure the ground is full of rocks and remnants of old trees, thus causing said machine to jerk and pull allowing the arm muscles to receive maximum exertion. One should aim for at least an hour of work with the tiller but remember to add the rock pick up for squats. Sweeping the dirt from the driveway helps to clean up the area and try to to squash a three inch long hornet but miss to get the blood pumping.
Moving on to step four, I feel the need to express a discovery from the scientific world of late. Renowned scientists have discovered that one can over come a "fat gene" issue with 3-4 hours of non-strenuous work a day. This work includes cleaning house, running after children, gardening, etc. The study was conducted on Amish women and men who live a life style in which this is incorporated into their daily lives. So step four involves taking care of the home but utilizing the unrealistic plan of an immaculate house, having just moved into the house three months prior and teaching two different aged children within a said amount of time each day when they would
First purchase a large piece of multi-level land of approximately 5.25 acres and create a vision of how the landscape should look. Next create an unrealistic time frame to complete all projects due to money, resources, and available labor hours. This step is highly important as it severs to motivate the individual when they really just want to curl up with a good book or take a nap.
Step three begins with implementation of the landscape plan. This includes cutting the grass, err weeds, with a gasoline powered standard mower not a riding mower. To get the maximum benefit of the exercise routine, choose times when the humidity is very high or during the hottest part of the day. Mower should be full of gasoline and ready to begin. Strive to cut as much vegetation as possible until the gasoline runs out of the mower, it starts to rain, or the individual passes out from heat exhaustion. This should run for about 1 1/2 to 2 hours while also gaining the bonuses of a manicured area and a very stylish farmer tan for the rural area. Do not fear of running out of available mow space, nature allows this to be repeated every week or two if you do manage to get through all available space. Other options for equipment use are weed trimmers, alas I burned the motor out on mine, which brings up a third option for the landscape implementation, a small tiller. To gain the maximum benefit of this machine, make sure the ground is full of rocks and remnants of old trees, thus causing said machine to jerk and pull allowing the arm muscles to receive maximum exertion. One should aim for at least an hour of work with the tiller but remember to add the rock pick up for squats. Sweeping the dirt from the driveway helps to clean up the area and try to to squash a three inch long hornet but miss to get the blood pumping.
Moving on to step four, I feel the need to express a discovery from the scientific world of late. Renowned scientists have discovered that one can over come a "fat gene" issue with 3-4 hours of non-strenuous work a day. This work includes cleaning house, running after children, gardening, etc. The study was conducted on Amish women and men who live a life style in which this is incorporated into their daily lives. So step four involves taking care of the home but utilizing the unrealistic plan of an immaculate house, having just moved into the house three months prior and teaching two different aged children within a said amount of time each day when they would
rather be reading books all day.
Upon working this plan for a week, one might feel they should take a moment of rest. I highly recommend taking children and spouse to a County Fair during a high heat index weekend and browse over animals that could become one's dinner in a few weeks. Make sure to have the youngest child ride a ride that makes them feel nauseous or wear shoes that do not fit so one can carry said child around for multiple hours while other individuals in the party can continue to enjoy the offering of the fair.
This is a tried and true plan. I have personally tested the plan and lost four pound in one week. I should have taken measurements for the before and after to see if any muscle mass had changed over the week.
So let me say - "This is the plan for you! It will work and you can gain some extra benefits like a nice looking yard, tan, clean house with folded laundry, and quality time with one's family! What could be better?"
(OK, maybe curling up with a good book once in awhile would be nice!)
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Puppies to hurricanes!
The puppies are settling in just fine. Blossom has come out of her shell and is quite feisty. She is no longer afraid of the garage and now gets very excited to see the leash. However, she is still the more sensitive one. If I scold her for ripping paper or chewing on wood, she goes into her kennel and pouts for a little while chewing on BOBO. Then very quietly she comes back up to me to ask for some loving. She is very sweet and wants to please but her ideals get the best of her. She reminds me of another little girl I know.
Katie is starting to excel in the training department as food highly motivates her. She is at least a couple pounds heavier than Blossom and gets jealous if Blossom or Isabella is sitting in my lap. Katie has claimed me and wants to be in the middle of the all the attention.
Hurricane Hanna has caused Anton's opening soccer game to be cancelled.
Katie is starting to excel in the training department as food highly motivates her. She is at least a couple pounds heavier than Blossom and gets jealous if Blossom or Isabella is sitting in my lap. Katie has claimed me and wants to be in the middle of the all the attention.
Hurricane Hanna has caused Anton's opening soccer game to be cancelled.
I had to go to the store yesterday because we ran out of whole milk, Anton needs the extra calories especially during soccer, and there was 4 gallons of whole milk left in the case. Hanna as of this morning was downgraded to tropical storm and the eye is suppose to be about 60 miles east of DC this afternoon. My neighbors said they will check in on us on Sunday to see how we fared our first time, but to really only expect a power loss for a few hours. Apparently the last major power outage was when Isabel came through, about 6 years ago, and the power line was down across their street. Donna had to go through he back field to leave her house for about 5 days. And we wondered if I would still need 4-wheel drive! Well the crops are sure loving the soaking! These puppies are much different than Kela when it comes to water; they love it. I have towels by the back door!
Friday, September 5, 2008
What is it about this toy?
They're Here! The puppies are here!
After a grueling 40 minute ride home and two car sick puppies, we made it! It was a good thing I decided at the last minute to put in some old towels into the kennel instead of their doggie bed.
First observations -
Katie is more aggressive with her food. She gobbles it down quickly and goes looking for more! We have to feed them separately now! Katie is very social and ready to go exploring all the time. Katie already responds to her name and commands to come; we are working on sit. Katie seems to favor me more and cries when I leave the room. She will also fall asleep right next to me if I sit in the pen area.
Blossom is more aggressive with the chew toys. She seems to want whatever Katie has at the time. (Does this sound familiar?!) Blossom is scared of the garage and I have to force her to go through it. She does not like her leash and would like to go when ever and where ever she wants. Blossom has not responded yet to commands. Blossom is more cautious and seems to be suffering from separation from her momma more than Katie. The breeder said Blossom seemed the most interested in the television than the other puppies and would turn to it if it was on.
When I told Karl of my observations he said it sounds right. Anton had picked Katie and Isabella had picked Blossom. Karl say he can picture Isabella sitting down to a movie with Blossom and Anton going exploring with Katie.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Canning, painting, pens and land
We had another full weekend, even with the extra day! I managed to finish up Anton's room from last week's map hanging experience. Karl and I finally put our fears aside and hung his huge map of the world in his room spanning just over one full wall last weekend. I only needed to roll on Anton's choice of blue paint and hang his solar system picture. After some airing out and straightening, Anton is very happy with his new space. Except it is now called the "secret laboratory". It does not sound too secret anymore though! He brought up some rocks, leaves, and sticks to inspect with a magnifying glass and asked when he might be able have a telescope and a desk in his room. I promise I am not making this up!! Karl and I did clarify with him what was he going to do in his "secret laboratory" and stated no chemicals or liquid mixtures will be concocted in his room. All messy experiments will be delegated to the basement, outside or kitchen. He agreed and said the desk could wait till maybe next weekend. Oh Boy!
While the paint was drying, I cut the grass, er weeds, in the front and south side of the house. We had finally received rain after having nothing for 3 1/2 weeks, which seemed to bring the grass back from its dormancy.
During my projects, Karl took the children with him so the boys could get their hairs cut and other odd small errands. Then he made the gates for the puppies which arrive later this week.
On Sunday, we walked over to Chester's garden, Isabella drove the gator which came in handy. Chester is a lovely 79 year old farmer for life who puts my previous garden to shame with his 60 foot long rows of peppers, tomatoes, beans, squash, cucumbers, etc. He says he is getting ready to plant the kale and lettuces for fall in the next week or so. Anyway, Chester has an over load of produce and I have already been the recipient of many tomatoes and beans. However, once he found out what I make with the tomatoes, I have been told on multiple occasions to come get more so they do not go to waste. According to Tim and Stephen, his step sons, Chester lives for sharing his harvest. Coincidentally, we are buying our beef from Chester's grand children who raise steers for 4-H projects. I am loving this small town life! We loaded our blessings into the gator bed and Isabella drove it home. The cattle thought we were an interesting sight watching us walk around their pasture on our way to and fro.
On Monday, Karl finished small odd projects while I canned 5 quarts of tomato sauce, 9 pints of salsa, and blanched 7 quarts of beans for the freezer. Eventually I will get a pressure canner and can the beans but for now, they are shoved into the freezer. I feel bad for accepting all the produce, with the addition of 5 cucumbers, a couple summer squash, and about 8 zucchinis, for the price of a jar of tomato sauce. I think I will bring him some more this week. And I thought the canner would only produce dust this year!
While the paint was drying, I cut the grass, er weeds, in the front and south side of the house. We had finally received rain after having nothing for 3 1/2 weeks, which seemed to bring the grass back from its dormancy.
During my projects, Karl took the children with him so the boys could get their hairs cut and other odd small errands. Then he made the gates for the puppies which arrive later this week.
On Sunday, we walked over to Chester's garden, Isabella drove the gator which came in handy. Chester is a lovely 79 year old farmer for life who puts my previous garden to shame with his 60 foot long rows of peppers, tomatoes, beans, squash, cucumbers, etc. He says he is getting ready to plant the kale and lettuces for fall in the next week or so. Anyway, Chester has an over load of produce and I have already been the recipient of many tomatoes and beans. However, once he found out what I make with the tomatoes, I have been told on multiple occasions to come get more so they do not go to waste. According to Tim and Stephen, his step sons, Chester lives for sharing his harvest. Coincidentally, we are buying our beef from Chester's grand children who raise steers for 4-H projects. I am loving this small town life! We loaded our blessings into the gator bed and Isabella drove it home. The cattle thought we were an interesting sight watching us walk around their pasture on our way to and fro.
On Monday, Karl finished small odd projects while I canned 5 quarts of tomato sauce, 9 pints of salsa, and blanched 7 quarts of beans for the freezer. Eventually I will get a pressure canner and can the beans but for now, they are shoved into the freezer. I feel bad for accepting all the produce, with the addition of 5 cucumbers, a couple summer squash, and about 8 zucchinis, for the price of a jar of tomato sauce. I think I will bring him some more this week. And I thought the canner would only produce dust this year!
Children, did you chop down my oak tree?
While I was gone to a schooling meeting, Karl took the children out for some "fun". (Notice Isabella and Anton's attire!) I returned to find the tree was on the ground with the three proudly admiring their work. It looks pretty good for just using the small hatchet Karl has for camping. All in a good day's work! At least now the children know how it use to be done. Karl has since purchased a small chain saw and gas powered weed/brush whacker for some big kid "fun". The kiddos will have to stick with the hatchet and rake for now.
Many have asked about Isabella's tick bite. I took her into our new doctor and Nurse Practitioner as a precaution and to get refill prescriptions for allergy meds. The NP saw red marks on her scalp about 1-2 inches away from the bite and decided to err on the side of caution. Isabella began the antibiotics and will need to have blood work in a few more weeks. Isabella is acting normal though. She felt mildly warm one day, but no high fevers like some of our friends who have had Lyme. So, the rule is, if you get the tick off within 24 hours you are probably safe, but after that, keep the tick for the medical staff in a jar and see your doctor. Bulls eyes might take up to 6 weeks to appear, if at all. "It is easier to test the tick for Lyme than the child" as quoted by the NP.
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