Blossom has developed into quite the tracker and will sniff out anything. She is constantly following something when we go for early or late short walks. This morning it was no exception. There was a thick fog hovering over the back acres and the soy crops that surround the homestead. We set out as usual after their deposits were made for a little stretching before their morning meal. I was noticing how quiet, other than the faint hoot of an owl, and peaceful it was outside. Then I noticed Blossom starting to weave in circles with her nose to the ground and Katie realizing she must be missing something decided to followed suit. We got to our turning point and I quietly called them to sit. All of a sudden there was a great commotion it the soy not 15 feet to my left! The noise startled me and I bolted with the puppies towards the house. Then I realized what it was, deer! I could not see them for the fog but I heard them as deer have a different sound as they race away from you than other possible animals. We would have smelled the skunks once we got outside, and the raccoons, fox, or coyotes do not make the same sort of hustling, bounding noise. When I relayed the incident to Karl, he asked "What was Blossom's response?" Blossom was ready to go. She immediately started towards the hurried departure but then got caught up in the joy of running where she raced past me into the garage towards her breakfast waiting inside the house.
So, we have one hunter Golden and one party girl Golden. Both are very Golden behaviors but on the opposite sides of the spectrum. People have commented on how strange they find this when both pups came from the same litter. I look at them equally confused because I am nothing like my sisters and we came from the same parents. I guess people think animals should be carbon copies of each other but they are not if produced the natural way.