I am currently working out a marketing plan for "newest and greatest, guaranteed to make you slim and tone work out plan"! The Farm Girl plan is time tested and fool proof but can be expensive as some basic equipment must be purchased or in place to work correctly.
First purchase a large piece of multi-level land of approximately 5.25 acres and create a vision of how the landscape should look. Next create an unrealistic time frame to complete all projects due to money, resources, and available labor hours. This step is highly important as it severs to motivate the individual when they really just want to curl up with a good book or take a nap.
Step three begins with implementation of the landscape plan. This includes cutting the grass, err weeds, with a gasoline powered standard mower not a riding mower. To get the maximum benefit of the exercise routine, choose times when the humidity is very high or during the hottest part of the day. Mower should be full of gasoline and ready to begin. Strive to cut as much vegetation as possible until the gasoline runs out of the mower, it starts to rain, or the individual passes out from heat exhaustion. This should run for about 1 1/2 to 2 hours while also gaining the bonuses of a manicured area and a very stylish farmer tan for the rural area. Do not fear of running out of available mow space, nature allows this to be repeated every week or two if you do manage to get through all available space. Other options for equipment use are weed trimmers, alas I burned the motor out on mine, which brings up a third option for the landscape implementation, a small tiller. To gain the maximum benefit of this machine, make sure the ground is full of rocks and remnants of old trees, thus causing said machine to jerk and pull allowing the arm muscles to receive maximum exertion. One should aim for at least an hour of work with the tiller but remember to add the rock pick up for squats. Sweeping the dirt from the driveway helps to clean up the area and try to to squash a three inch long hornet but miss to get the blood pumping.
Moving on to step four, I feel the need to express a discovery from the scientific world of late. Renowned scientists have discovered that one can over come a "fat gene" issue with 3-4 hours of non-strenuous work a day. This work includes cleaning house, running after children, gardening, etc. The study was conducted on Amish women and men who live a life style in which this is incorporated into their daily lives. So step four involves taking care of the home but utilizing the unrealistic plan of an immaculate house, having just moved into the house three months prior and teaching two different aged children within a said amount of time each day when they would
First purchase a large piece of multi-level land of approximately 5.25 acres and create a vision of how the landscape should look. Next create an unrealistic time frame to complete all projects due to money, resources, and available labor hours. This step is highly important as it severs to motivate the individual when they really just want to curl up with a good book or take a nap.
Step three begins with implementation of the landscape plan. This includes cutting the grass, err weeds, with a gasoline powered standard mower not a riding mower. To get the maximum benefit of the exercise routine, choose times when the humidity is very high or during the hottest part of the day. Mower should be full of gasoline and ready to begin. Strive to cut as much vegetation as possible until the gasoline runs out of the mower, it starts to rain, or the individual passes out from heat exhaustion. This should run for about 1 1/2 to 2 hours while also gaining the bonuses of a manicured area and a very stylish farmer tan for the rural area. Do not fear of running out of available mow space, nature allows this to be repeated every week or two if you do manage to get through all available space. Other options for equipment use are weed trimmers, alas I burned the motor out on mine, which brings up a third option for the landscape implementation, a small tiller. To gain the maximum benefit of this machine, make sure the ground is full of rocks and remnants of old trees, thus causing said machine to jerk and pull allowing the arm muscles to receive maximum exertion. One should aim for at least an hour of work with the tiller but remember to add the rock pick up for squats. Sweeping the dirt from the driveway helps to clean up the area and try to to squash a three inch long hornet but miss to get the blood pumping.
Moving on to step four, I feel the need to express a discovery from the scientific world of late. Renowned scientists have discovered that one can over come a "fat gene" issue with 3-4 hours of non-strenuous work a day. This work includes cleaning house, running after children, gardening, etc. The study was conducted on Amish women and men who live a life style in which this is incorporated into their daily lives. So step four involves taking care of the home but utilizing the unrealistic plan of an immaculate house, having just moved into the house three months prior and teaching two different aged children within a said amount of time each day when they would
rather be reading books all day.
Upon working this plan for a week, one might feel they should take a moment of rest. I highly recommend taking children and spouse to a County Fair during a high heat index weekend and browse over animals that could become one's dinner in a few weeks. Make sure to have the youngest child ride a ride that makes them feel nauseous or wear shoes that do not fit so one can carry said child around for multiple hours while other individuals in the party can continue to enjoy the offering of the fair.
This is a tried and true plan. I have personally tested the plan and lost four pound in one week. I should have taken measurements for the before and after to see if any muscle mass had changed over the week.
So let me say - "This is the plan for you! It will work and you can gain some extra benefits like a nice looking yard, tan, clean house with folded laundry, and quality time with one's family! What could be better?"
(OK, maybe curling up with a good book once in awhile would be nice!)