In our culture today, we often wonder if people have their priorities in the proper places. We wonder at what point in people's lives did they develop these current attitudes. At Anton's first soccer game we got a glimpse. I was privy to a conversation between two fathers over the current price for scored goals or if goalie, blocked goals. They decided $5 for each would be sufficient and mocked other parents who were not using this motivational tool to help their son perform better. While I sat there aghast at paying children for playing, this is the Under 9 year Old league, my heart sank as I saw the goals of making money over the joy of the game.
But all is not lost. Anton happily trotted over to get a drink of water before the game saying,
"I hope the coach lets me play defender! It is my best position and where I can help my team the most!"
Karl and I responded in a more audible tone than usual, "We do too! Good job Anton thinking of your team and how to best help them! There is no I in team! We are so proud of you already!"
After which he ran onto the field and proceeded to help his team by blocking nearly every ball he came near. They won the game 2-1. My little man is a hustler and most of the time heavily focused on the game. He says he is the body guard for the goalie. I am so proud of him not wanting to be the glory child to score all the time and also recognizing where his strengths are. Not everyone can play every part and it takes many strengths to make a great TEAM!