On Friday, we took a little historical trip to the Naval Academy. It was a very busy weekend with 4 class reunions (Karl's Class of 93, Class of 53, Class of 58, and Class 78) and two Midshipmen Parent's weekend (First and Second Class). Anton was enthralled with the cannons, statuary, and Karl's comments of secret passageways and classrooms. Isabella was in awe at seeing "girls" in uniform. Since Karl was in submarine, she has not been exposed to many females in uniform. Isabella was also interested in the exchange students with different uniforms. The middies were impressive as usual with their formations and marching. And when the 4,000 middies disappeared to the galley, we too had to find something to eat. As we worked our way out to the side gate we tried to avoid the quickly filling snack and sandwich places on the grounds. I was walking a little ahead of Karl, so he asked me to spot a place to eat that seemed not as crowded as we went to the main strip outside the grounds. I spotted a small pub with an empty table serving burgers, crab, etc. Looked like a winner for a quick bite. Anton literally inhaled his burger exclaiming it was better than Burger King. At about a 1/2 inch thick, I would say it was better than Burger King.
After having our tummies filled, we headed back to the Academy to load up on our Navy paraphernalia at the Mid-Store. For those who have not been to the Mid Store in awhile, it looks like an Exchange except broken into many rooms. It has changed dramatically since our last visit 10 years ago. The place was packed with alumni, Midi-parents, and few Mids here and there. Everyone was able to pick something out so we could be ready for the tailgater the next day. Isabella had her heart set on a new dress like the one she outgrew two years ago, but there were none in sight. I told her I would convert a ladies t-shirt into a little dress sometime later. We grabbed one she liked and was amazed to find a size Large t-shirt not swallowing her up. The neck was a little bit wide but the rest looked like a long A-line tunic, not what we had expected. While standing in line, we saw Cindy McCain purchasing some items.
I feel the need to comment on this as I was so struck by the moment. Here was Cindy McCain in the Mid-Store. Why was she there? She was wearing a low profile khaki blazer with a smart looking rhinestone USNA pin. She displayed no propaganda, made no speeches, and had no secret service with her. She was there to be .....MOM! The McCains have a son who is a First Class Midshipman. She was there to give him his time and not use the time to promote her husband. Everyone seemed to understand and let her be mom and not a presidential candidate's wife. Since everyone coming on the grounds had to pass through security, Mrs. McCain did not need the secret service. Most people recognized she was there for her son just as they were there for their child or spouse. Senator McCain was not on the grounds on Friday even though it was also his 50 year reunion as well. Many people were buzzing about wither or not he would make an appearance over the course of the weekend. After her purchase, Cindy, daughter, and her Midi son left the store just as everyone else.
After the Mid-Store we strolled over to the parade field to find our section in the bleachers. The children and I heard several class members say, "Oh, it is so nice to see the parade from this side of the action. Those uniforms are awful because they choke you and get too tight......."
Just as in formation, the marching was very impressive. Apparently the bagpipes were a new addition from the last couple of years. I love the sound of bagpipes. After the parade we worked our way back to our car to go home to rest up for the next day's events.
Karl and I chose not to attend the evening cocktail party because of our two and the inconvenience of getting a sitter. There is always the next reunion when both children will be old enough to not have a sitter. Wow, how fast they grow!