Monday, April 6, 2009

Wedded Bliss!

This year Karl and I celebrated 13 years of marriage! Maybe I am getting old, because I now look at pictures from our wedding and think, "Oh, they had no idea!" This is not to be looked at negatively but a realization that what we once thought our lives would be like is far from where God and Navy have taken us. As one plans their life together, they really have no idea what is in store for them. You can only hope and pray the chosen spouse will be there to fulfill those promises made before God and family to be with you through it all. As situations change, priorities get reordered, and wisdom grows, it would be impossible to cover all of these things in pre-marriage counseling. Love is the glue to keep us together because there are so many reason, whether right or wrong, to give up.
For Richer or poorer....
trips together or to see family and friends,
not having to go without,
being stressed over financial issues,
knowing we can do more to help our neighbors.
In Good Times and Bad....
exploring new areas,
sharing your life with children,
completing challenges,
long submarine days,
separations from family,
discovering what truly makes you happy,
learning your purpose.
In sickness and in Health...
taking care of household issues so the other can rest,
asking if there is anything you can do and mean it,
supporting each other in exercise and diet programs for health not appearance,
gentle reminders to spiritual needs,
the nature walks to talk and clear our heads.
I will love you all the days of my life!
need I say more?