Monday, January 19, 2009

Isabella's Birthday - Part 2 - Pin the Wings and Pinata

Well, most of my new friends in our new location have accused me of being too creative. I am not sure what they mean?! (Ha! Ha!) The day before the party, I took a couple hours to draw up a picture of Tinker Bell so we could play "Pin the Wings on the Fairy". I needed something else to do that did not require me spending a huge amount of money on some pre-fabricated game. I mean the children would only be using it for a couple of minutes.

Isabella had fun spinning around and walking towards the paper goal. She is such a sneaky one, I had to keep a close eye on her to see if she was peeking. I decided to remove each person's attempt so as to not give the next one an advantage to find the correct placement. Emily got the wings to closest and the boys decided to not play at all. Just too much fun with Rokenboks I guess.

However, they did stop playing in the playroom for the pinata. Since this was a "girly" party, we opted for a pull string pinata instead of one you hit. Isabella thought hitting Tinker Bell would not be appropriate. Yes, I did cave here on the store bought pinata because she requested it four months ago! Maybe next time I can make it into a family craft!

Karl felt pretty safe holding the pinata up for the children since no bats would be swung and we did not have a good place to hang it up.

Everyone got a few tugs before the golden string to release the goodies was pulled. Enzo, one of the younger siblings was just in awe as he watched the candy fall to the ground. It was so cute as he stood there with his mouth open in disbelief as he was putting it all together.