Thursday, January 22, 2009

More Wildlife in the Area

Last week, I took Isabella to her 4-H meeting and two of the adults were discussing sightings of "snow eagles". They thought it was a little early for them to be arriving but they were definitely here. I kept this in my head and wondered what could this majestic white bird would look like. Yesterday, I got my chance. It was around 4:30 in the afternoon when I saw a rather large looking bird sitting atop of an old fence post from the bathroom window. I went into the bedroom to grab the binoculars to see if it was an owl, but this bird had a lot of white on it's underside. By the time I got the binoculars out, this bird was joined with another on top of a very tall old tree.

This morning I decided to figure out what this mysterious "snow eagle" was and if I had just spotted my first pair. I discovered it is really an Osprey or also called Fisher Hawk. They are part of the Eagle Family but smaller than the Bald or Golden Eagles which apparently steal their dinner from them. A good example of nature bullying.

I did not take these pictures, I lifted them from online searches so I could show everyone what I did see. I am not this fast and I do not have this nice of a camera. Now, Karl and I have a problem, what if this pair have decided to chose this tree as a nest site? We intend to cut this old tree down as it is so miss shaped and covered over with vines. It is also in a spot where our future boundary fence will go. All I can do now is watch and see if they return. According to the internet, eggs should appear in late March or April. Oh, it is illegal to kill these too! They are recovering from small numbers.