Monday, December 15, 2008

Capitol Idea! - Part 2 - Lady Freedom and Exhibition Hall

We had about an hour before our scheduled tour, so we were instructed to view the plaster replica of Lady Freedom, which adorns the top of the Capitol Building and Exhibition Hall.

Lady Freedom was a design with much symbolism and design particulars. She was chosen after the narrowing selection of three designs and then voted upon by congress. She stands 19 1/2 feet tall creating the regulation that no other statues, except Lady Liberty who was already standing, can be taller than 19 feet because "nothing should be above Freedom".

Anton and Matthew were taking their buddy system to the extreme, but that is what this age is all about. Karl did stipulate at least one parent must accompany each of his cubbies because taking the den to a touristy place like the Capitol was above his comfort level. The children not wanting to be stuck to their parents when all their friends were around, chose to utilize the buddy system which made keeping track of the groups of two a little easier. Here Karl and Mike are watching their boys while getting a little history in the process. I, on the other hand, had the girls, Isabella and Mary Claire, in my eye sight. While reading the history behind the design was less on their list of priorities, they just simply admired the detail and grandeur of the replica.

I do not have any picture of the Exhibition Hall as cameras were forbidden in this area. Since I had the girls in my charge, I ended up spending the majority of the time watching the girls admire the detail of the dome replica on display, about the size of a doll house, with all of the details present. It was a cutaway, so we had to spend a long time viewing both sides. The girls and I then wandered through the Senate display section reading placards and finally sitting down to short video of the historical expansion of their spaces. Before we knew it, time had passed, and we missed the entire House of Representatives side because it was time for our tour through the building.